
Present a Need and a Solution

I have reviewed a range of business proposals for funding recently. What struck me (again) was the narrow view inventors and entrepreneurs have of their products. “My product is the best, because of these features…” and then they go into a list of features. Benefits not Features Every marketer knows that saying: You have to show the benefits, not the features to find a buyer. The same is true for finding investors. What are the benefits they are looking for? A great return Low risk Sustainability How can you show that? A Great Return There is no guarantee in…

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Market Driven Inventions

Stephen Key posted about The Single Most Important Issue You’ve Forgotten to Answer today. I got really excited by the title and he makes some good points. But he does not go far enough. Stephen points out that for a new idea just being new is nothing worth bragging about. In fact if there are no competing products, there might be a reason for that. I go one step further. If any inventor tells me that there is nothing like it out there, I know that they have not done their homework. There might be nothing that has the…

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My Frustration with Inventors

Or should I title this : “Inventors frustration with the world”? I am currently working on some information memorandums to raise money for 3 companies. Reading their business plans, looking at their inventions, I cannot stop to think what a waste is going on in business development. They have all developed their ideas to an advanced stage, spend many hours and Dollars, are ready to produce. Testing the Market But no one has tested the market. Apart from one, they do not really have a marketing strategy. It would be so fantastic if there was an easy way to…

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Web Marketing

Marketing on the internet is becoming more and more common and useful We recommend working with experienced professionals that understand not only how to design a website, but also how to make it work for you and generate new clients. This page is an overview of the useful steps in developing a website that does more than just looking good. Domain Name The domain name should ideally give an idea of what it is that you are providing or be interesting in some way to your target audience. It is better to have a short name, so that your…

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Seducing the Market

You can seduce the market by being like a lover, full of care and interested in every move your loved one makes. You feel the little mood swings, know how to dance the dance of seduction, when to come close and when to move back. It is not about pressuring anyone into anything! On the contrary, it is helping people to make the best decision for them. Below you find the most important concepts, elements and tools to enhance your marketing communication. Clarify Your Ideal Market The first step is to identify a suitable target market that fits your…

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Passionate Management