
Ten Tips for Socially Responsible Startups

Greenbiz LogoThis website is an excellent resource for any sustainable entrepreneur. One of the interviews is about ethical investing. The crux is that ethical investors are not happy with reduced rates of return.

On the contrary, they want to invest just as safely and with the same rates of return as a “normal” investor, except social and environmental guidelines also need to be met.

That is such a great piece of advice. It takes away all airy fairy wishful thinking that just because we do something good, should we come under any less scrutiny. And it confirms my belief: being green and profit need to go hand in hand.

Seth Goldman from Honest Teas (selling bottled organic tea) reflects on the ten most important tips from socially responsible startups.

  1. Consumer before mission.
  2. Focus on core business.
  3. Price appropriately.
  4. Don’t let your mission cloud your vision.
  5. Aim high in terms of creating a “squeaky-clean-green” supply chain — but don’t try to do too much too soon.
  6. Don’t waste your time chasing “socially responsible dollars.”
  7. Look at the big picture
  8. Get the right people on board
  9. To run a sustainable company, you have to live a sustainable lifestyle.
  10. Don’t give up!

 Job Search

Greenbiz also has a job search section.  The jobs are for the US and Canada. When I looked there were only 72 jobs in there, and it is currently not possible to post new jobs.

So if you are a green or ethical entrepreneur, this site is worthwhile keeping an eye on:

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